The happiest people live not in Qatar – the richest country in the world, and not in Japan, where life expectancy is the highest, and not even in Vietnam – the country that is a major tourist center. Do you want to know which country is the happiest? Let’s figure it out together! Maybe you could take some of the beautiful Ukrainian brides with you and move to some of these happy places?

  1. Denmark

Denmark is considered the happiest country in the whole world. It is not the richest country in the world but people live very well here. Happiness begins with a sense of security at all levels. And what is even more important is that medicine is absolutely free in Denmark, and services are provided to the population at a very good level. Also, higher education is free and it gives a happy ticket in a secure future to the citizens of the country.  

  1. Norway

Norwegians consider their country one of the best in the world and it is due to their attitude to life. The inhabitants of this northern country consider themselves very happy people. Indeed, if you live exactly where you dream to be – then about what kind of sadness can we talk?

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  1. Singapore

Singapore is in the list of the most peaceful countries, and it is also one of the richest states in the world. Here the level of murders and violent crime is ten times lower than in other countries.

  1. Australia

Australia is considered one of the best countries for life. It is not only because there live friendly people, but also because there is an excellent atmosphere with the lowest pollution in the world. According to statistics, Australians are the most affable people in the world, and it is not surprising –everything around constantly inspires them and reduces the percentage of dissatisfaction with their lives.

  1. Netherlands

The Netherlands is considered one of the happiest countries thanks to the excellent sports training of the inhabitants of the whole country, and especially of the capital – colorful Amsterdam. Residents of the city are proud of their comfortable bicycle paths that, in turn, minimize stress. Why is that? Just remember your mood when you stay in an incredibly long traffic jam and late for work. This problem disappears by itself if you use bicycles as transport.

  1. Iceland

Iceland may seem completely imperceptible and modest country. It is interesting that all important state positions of the country are occupied by the representatives of the fair sex who perfectly organize the social life of the country. The unique nature of Iceland also plays an important role in the well-being of the country. Snowy landscapes, warm springs, and a pleasant atmosphere make life in the country easy and enjoyable.

  1. New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the exceptionally happy countries near Australia. What is the secret of the success of this small but incredibly beautiful country? According to research, local people are happy and have a good attitude to everything due to the low level of pollution of nature, diverse animal life and inspiring landscapes of unbridled nature. Undoubtedly, our mood is better when the surrounding atmosphere is pleasant.

  1. Canada

Canada is the country in that most people in the world want to move. The fact is that Canadians are considered one of the happiest nations due to the delightful nature and numerous national parks. Just look at the pictures of the local landscapes. Do you have an irresistible desire to be there for at least a couple of hours? And what if you see this beauty every day? It is not surprising that such lucky people as Canadians don’t worry about the gray days.

We hope this list inspired you to travel. Do not waste your time and go on a trip to the happiest countries in the world.

De Dana

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