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The language is a funny expression of one’s desires. It traces back to million years ago and it has suffered a lot of modifications and complications through time. However, these modifications made it more interesting and attractive. This is why people can enjoy nowadays some incredible and unique words. Especially when it comes to traveling!

Lately lots of terms describing traveling have began being used by those who want to express best the emotions they are going through when traveling. Some terms are made up and some words are real. They all sound crazy so let’s see if you can guess which are real and which are made up.

15 Best Traveling Words – Real or Not?

1. Wanderlust – Real

It comes from German and it is supposed to describe the mixture of feelings one gets when longing to travel. It can basically be divided into wandern (to wander) and lust (desire). Yes, we love to wander and we are not afraid to say it.

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2. Fearenheit – False

It is meant to described the panic felt by Americans when they are trying to understand the different temperatures in other countries. Yes, apparently Americans have more problems with that than you would think.

3. Trek – Real

This word comes from the Afrikaans ‘trek’ which means ‘travel or migrate by ox wagon’ and in English can be translated as ‘journey.’ This word also exists in Dutch (as ‘trekken’ and it means to pull or draw).

4. Hiraeth – Real

This is one of my favorite words related to traveling and home „displacement.” It comes from Welsh and it does not have a clear translation into English but it means „a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that never was.” It is so poetical and beautiful!

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5. Bangclock – False

It refers to the amount of time a traveler can put up with the sex noises that are carried away through thin hotel walls before smashing their hand (or head) against the wall. Not real, but definitely a must have.

6. Tour – Real

The French swoop in to give us another meaningful word that is used to express exploration. Tour means „a turn” and comes from the verb „tourner” which means to turn. In some situations it can mean to reject the traditional path and start the exploration of a new place, without any regulations.

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7. Cranckophone – False

I was recently discussing about this phenomenon with a German girl. It describes the way in which a person wants to make themselves understood in a different language by speaking louder but in their mother tongue.

8. Livsnjutare – Real

It comes from Swedish and it is used to describe the person who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme. Yes, we’re talking here about expats, nomads and adventurers from all over the world.

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9. Fungalavant – False

This term cracked me up. It is supposed to describe the person who spreads athlete’s foot from one hostel shower to the other. God these terms are dead on!

10. Resfeber – Real

Once again the Swedish come up with perfect terms to describe „the restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anticipation and anxiety are mixed together.” It can manifest as an illness, as a „traveler’s fever.” Use this as an excuse to get out of work tomorrow.

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11.  Bratpacker – False

This term is made-up but it is still a good one to describe the person who thinks they have an incredible packing system and they insist on telling everyone about it.

12. Automobilogic – False

 This refers to the state of mind that is specific to road trips and convinces travelers that burgers, gummi bears and onion rings replace the daily intake of vegetables and fruits.

13. Petrichor – True

It refers to the earthly and pleasant smell that floods your nostrils after the rain has stopped. It is invigorating and relaxes your whole body.

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14. Afterglobe – False

False, but accurate. This describes the warm feeling that one gets after returning from a satisfying trip. Or when you take off your shoes after dancing all night long. Or when you come home after a long day and eat chocolate in bed, under a fuzzy blanket.

15. Hammock – Real

This English word comes from the Spanish „hamaca” and as you can imagine it points towards siesta, relaxation and enjoyment. And who knows better about siesta than Spanish people?

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Which one is your favorite?

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