Starting March 1, Massachusetts restaurants will no longer have percentage capacity restrictions. If the condition enters phase 3, step 2 of his reopening plan. Governor Charlie Baker announced the news in its press conference on February 25th. Restaurants are also allowed to host musical performances.

The change of course will ease restrictions introduced on February 8, which kept the number of restaurants in cities at 40 percent. (Previously, cities had been cut to 25 percent.) Other restrictions remain, including the rules on masking. Everyone must wear a mask at all times unless they eat or drink or cannot due to illness or disability – and social distancing – all tables must be placed at least two meters high. All table service is still limited to 90 minutes, and the group size will still be limited to six guests.

Baker cited encouraging trends in public health data, as well as the state’s continued vigilance towards masking and social distancing, as reasons for the restrictions being withdrawn.

„I think most people will remember that in November, in response to the surge in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, we introduced home advice and several business closures and restrictions,” Baker said. “And we understand that all of these closures and restrictions are extremely difficult for companies and workers. Today, thanks to everyone’s commitment to stop the spread, we can move forward with our opening plan. ”

The decision marks the third major relaxation of restrictions on restaurants and other businesses in the past month. In addition to increasing capacity from 25 percent to 40 percent, Baker lifted the government’s home advice and early business closure order that required restaurants to close by 9:30 p.m. (all despite the fact that restaurant workers are still absent ) t eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine – and it still exists very real risks associated with eating, the majority of which is shouldered by restaurant workers.)

From March 1st, indoor venues (concert halls, theaters, etc.) and leisure facilities (e.g. roller skating rinks) may also be reopened. 50 percent of the capacities in these companies are occupied with no more than 500 cped people allowed indoors.

Baker also said the state will enter Phase 4, Step 1 of its reopening plan on March 22, as long as public health data is trending in the right direction. At this point, large venues, stadiums (think Fenway Park and Gillette Stadium), and arenas (TD Garden), all of which are currently closed, are allowed to reopen at 12 percent of normal capacity.

The vast majority of the workers who occupy the concert halls, theaters, roller-skating rinks, stadiums and arenas of the state are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The latest COVID-19 guidelines for restaurants and bars in Massachusetts can be found here.

Keep an eye on the state COVID-19 vaccination page Further information on the rollout and eligibility as well as information on the vaccination sites Here.

• Massachusetts restaurants can operate at 40 percent capacity [EBOS]
• Massachusetts restaurants may remain open after 9:30 PM [EBOS]
• Massachusetts restaurant workers are still not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine [EBOS]
• • The new risks of eating [E]
• What are the Massachusetts COVID-19 rules for restaurants and bars right now? [EBOS]

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