1. Hpiness is self-driving.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: do I give up control for my happiness?
2. Don’t let an endless internal monologue.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: am I making up unnecessary things in my head right now?
3. Don’t take things personally.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: Is there something here that I just take personally?
4. Don’t do too many little things.
In order to be angry all the time, one has to make a commitment not to continue sweating, or in other words, to keep a bigger picture of life. At a time when you want to be angry, you may be wondering if this thing really matters in months or years from now. Do I allow that thing or person to give myself a few minutes or hours of pleasure that is comparatively inferior in the larger scheme of things? If your answer is noThen you have now directed all that energy in the right direction and have already decided that anger is not worth pursuing.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: am I looking at the big picture here?
5. Respect differences.
People generally have different upbringing, environments and backgrounds in life and form a range of opinions and perspectives about life and how we interact with the world. And being able to recognize and allow for these differences and opposing personalities reduces a lot of stress when facing someone or when you are different from something you are used to. Whenever your attitude is to honor the personalities of every person you meet, you will not feel the need to get angry and accept these differences.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: Am I just using our differences as an excuse to feel angry?
6. Release the need to be right.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: do I just want to defend myself or my opinion?
7. Let yourself be relieved for a specific result.
Before you get angry, ask yourself: am I just making enemies of the present moment?
8. Practice forgiveness.
Often times, instead of anger or pain within you, forgiveness increases the likelihood of being immune to feeling too much anger again. If you do not practice such vibrations within yourself, there will be no such energy of anger that can easily be generated by external circumstances. As you keep your heart open, forgive, and let go of any past wounds that may have stepped inside, the feeling of anger will become less and less inclined to move forward. Through forgiveness, you also see the situation as an opportunity for your soul’s advancement and see the gift that the situation or person provides for you.
Wherever you are angry you should ask yourself if Can you forgive instead of being or getting angry?
9. Practice self-love.
Making self-love a priority in every conversation will make you gentler towards yourself and others. You will naturally be associated with your core values of peace, harmony, bliss, and love, and will naturally move towards harmonious responses. They are also immune to comments, judgments, or criticism from other people, and the need to acknowledge or prove them is eliminated. What is most important to you is to take care of your vibration and not let the feeling of anger let your vibration wear out.
We should ask, should With this answer, do we choose self-love?
10. Be fully present.
When you ground yourself through conscious breathing in the present moment, before reacting to a situation, you create a space between the unconscious reaction and the conscious reaction. This place of presence will make it clear to your mind what the beneficial action should be. As you maintain your presence you will become more attentive to the emotional energy that you are allowing within your own body.
Before I get angry Wonder, am I in the field right now?
Hope this short article is very helpful and informative for you to deal with anger.