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Simple carbs like fructose and lactose are rapid energy sources for your system. However, specific individuals cannot ingest these sugars because they lack the enzymes that break them down in the digestive system or have other gastrointestinal issues.

Recognizing which foods are devoid of these sugars and fit for human consumption if you have lactose or fructose sensitivity is a crucial objective in maintaining a balanced diet.

Meat, Poultry & Fish

Lactose and fructose are not found in most meats, poultry, or fish. A 3-ounce portion of lean beef or pork, or one piece of bacon, for instance, includes no sugar, whereas chicken and turkey meat have neither fructose nor lactose. If you have lactose or fructose intolerance, fish like salmon, catfish, and various other species are an excellent choice because they’re free of both sugars.

However, numerous meat and fish recipes may incorporate fructose or lactose if made with specific sauces or other sugary components. Based on the particular ingredients, Asian foods like sweet and sour chicken may include more than 20 grams of fructose, but beef lasagna with tomato sauce may contain less than 1 gram of each sugar. To determine whether a product is safe for you, look at the nutrition label on the packaging.

Vegetables and Nuts

Although most veggies are lactose-free, some have medium to low quantities of fructose and should be disregarded if you’re sensitive to these sugars. Potatoes and mushrooms cooked by grilling or stir-frying are excellent options low in fructose and lactose.

Artichokes, carrots, and spinach are examples of lactose-free veggies with trace quantities of fructose. Nuts that are fructose and lactose-free are also available. Almonds and Brazil nuts are common foods that are sugar-free.

Almond butter also has neither fructose nor lactose. Cashews, filberts, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts, are lactose-free but have detectable quantities of fructose.

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If you can’t eat fructose or lactose, several kinds of cereal are a decent alternative. These comprise instant or regular oats, creamy wheat cereals, and shredded wheat varieties, but read descriptions of products to verify there are no sugar additions.

While some pasta, such as egg noodles, are free of fructose and lactose, others may contain trace quantities, so read the ingredients carefully. Eggs are also an excellent option for food free of fructose and lactose; however, components in omelets and other egg-based foods should be checked for fructose or lactose-containing additions.

Foods to Stay Away From

If you’re lactose sensitive, stay away from all dairy foods that contain this sugar, such as milk and cheese. Almond milk, on the other hand, is made from almonds, which are naturally sugar-free.

Plain yogurt, which includes good bacteria called probiotics that aid in the digestion of lactose, may also be tolerated in small amounts; however, fruit-flavored yogurt should be avoided because all food contains some fructose.

Most other foods, especially spices and seeds like pumpkin and sesame, contain modest levels of fructose. For assistance in eliminating fructose and lactose and establishing the healthiest diet for your condition, consult your doctor or a qualified dietitian.

De Dana

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