The priority states for these experts would be Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Assam.
The role of the experts is to oversee valuation studies awarded to identify gs in infrastructure and processing facilities for the development of a potential value chain for perishable products, building regional networks for various stakeholders, providing technical input to value chain development as well as the Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the projects.
The ministry implements the central sector program of Operation Greens with a focus on agricultural logistics, processing plants and professional management. A total of 22 perishable goods were included in the program, including 10 fruits – mango, banana, ple, pineapple, orange, gres, aonla, pomegranate, guava and lychee, 11 vegetables – tomatoes, onions, potatoes, peas, carrots, cauliflower, beans , Bitter gourd, okra, garlic and ginger and 1 seafood prawns.
According to the ministry, a focused value chain can address the challenges in the agrifood sector by creating higher levels of processing and preservation capacity, reducing post-harvest losses, connecting producers / processors to the high-end domestic market, and increasing the proportion of agri-food exports and increasing global share of Indian agri-food experts.