I must admit I’ve never been a morning person. Maybe it’s because of all the freelancing jobs that kept me up all night, or all the great TV shows that you tell yourself “I’ll only watch an episode”, and end up watching the whole season in one sitting. Either way, it all adds up… I am a night owl!
But there is a point in life when you have to let go of certain habits and try and adjust to the newly created circumstances… Well this year all my classes start pretty early, some of them even as early as 8, so I really had to adjust BIG TIME. Believe me, if there weren’t that many easy and simple recipes for pancakes I would have stayed hungry. You’ve all been there, when in college you don’t have the money to eat out all the time, nor do you have the time to cook fancy meals, so maybe a quick pancake recipe can be your answer.
A Pancake Tastes Like Home
I was eager to try all of the recipes, but started out with the simpler ones. If you are away from home you are sure to miss your family, so I guess there’s no shame in admitting that the first recipe I tried was the Dad’s three ingredient pancakes. Yes, the name got me, but after trying them I realized I wasn’t wrong for giving them a chance. They are a bit thicker than the regular pancake, but just as yummy. What’s more they’ve kept me full until late in the afternoon.
Speaking of being homesick, I miss my mom’s pancakes, but of course, I am too proud to admit that to her. So I started searching for a version of them when I stumbled across Jamie Oliver’s USA style pancake recipe, hey, nothing can beat my mom’s pancakes, but these came pretty close.
Pancakes are the New Cupid
Moving on to this next recipe makes me giggle. Why you wonder? Well the first time I tried it I had my crash over. He was my history study buddy, and we had been friends for three months then. I knew he was a vegan and on one occasion he told me that the most difficult thing to give up on when he reached that decision, was Snickers. And no wonder, as I was looking through the internet and came across the Vegan Snickers Pancakes I knew that was my chance! It was destiny giving me a sign. So I rolled up my sleeves and started making them, it only took me 10 minutes and I was all set.
The next morning, we had our Saturday morning study session, and I randomly asked if he wanted me to fix a quick bite. When he tried the pancakes, the semisweet chocolate chips, the roasted peanuts and the vegan caramel sauce left him speechless. When he finally came to himself he couldn’t thank me enough for providing him with a taste he’s been missing on since he turned vegan. And as for the friend… he is now my boyfriend… yes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.