India’s Food Safety and Standards Agency (FSSAI) has issued an advisory opinion calling on state food safety commissioners to review the extent of testing by primary enrolled or referring laboratories before sending samples for analysis.

According to the FSSAI, it was indicated that samples containing part of the food sample to be analyzed at the request of the FBO were sent to the laboratories without testing the product or the parameter.

A statement from the FSSAI indicated that the scope of the laboratory’s testing can be verified before samples are sent for analysis. An FSSAI official said this was done to ensure that the analytical reports were legally and technically valid.

The FSSAI opinion states that the broad scope and food categories were mentioned in the order of validity available on the FSSAI website.

The FSSAI has also notified all central licensing authorities and food safety commissioners of all states that they can visit the NABL website and search for laboratory searches to view the details of the products and parameters.

The FSSAI official says the NABL website has the details of the accredited laboratories and the details of the validity list for all registered laboratories. A detailed record of the laboratory name and scope of accreditation could be found on the same website.

„The certification of accreditation shows the accreditation certificate issued by NABL to the laboratory, including the date of issue and the expiry of the accreditation, while the” scope of accreditation „shows the broad discipline, products and parameters as well as the specification of test methods that the laboratory for Used food tests, „says the official.

Meanwhile, the opinion states that state officials can contact the FSSAI directly in the event of any ambiguity or clarification.


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