Everyone has fears. Some days are better than others. Some days we conquer our fears and we get home triumphant, others we are frustrated by our helplessness and return home disappointed by our daily failures. But what makes us humans is the fact that we don’t give up. We try again tomorrow and the day after and every day if necessary.
Being strong is a matter of choice and strong people build their energy with every moment that passes by. They feed themselves from their failures and get healed by their successes. And they’re never rough on themselves. They know they are not Gods, they allow themselves to fail and they live life the way they should: one moment at a time.
Liz Clark is a clear example of this. Who is she? you ask?
„As a surfer and environmentalist enchanted by remote waves and foreign cultures, I left California aboard my 40-foot sailboat, Swell, in early 2006 with the hope of succeeding at my life-long dream of surf exploration via sailboat. Since then, the voyage has presented more fantastic friends, waves, adventures, natural beauty, opportunities for personal growth and insights than I dreamed possible.” This is how she describes herself in her website, Swell Voyage.
She’s one of the best surfers in the world. Her story began in October 2005 when she sailed out of the Santa Barbara harbor. All by herself, she decided to sail around the world. And she did it! It’s been 10 years since this first voyage and Liz’s adventures never stopped.
She started traveling down the Central America and the western coast of Mexico. She sailed with her mother 22 days across South Pacific and she enjoyed every minute of the clear sky and blue waters. After this she went by herself in the mission of exploring the French Polynesia and Kiribati. She says that itineraries are useless to surfers and sailors. If you don’t have adaptability, you risk losing yourself in the stress of establishing and trying to respect itineraries.
„It’s the freedom of this lifestyle that keeps me out here. It’s addicting. There are too many rules back home. I love not having to get into a car and battle traffic. I eat and shower and live under the sky and stars. The warm clear Pacific never gets boring — exploring remote islands, surfing uncrowded waves, playing in coconut trees. Aside from boat work, missing family and the occasional food craving, it’s pretty dreamy.”
We believe her. We admire her and we envy her. But most importantly, we wish her health so that she can continue following her dream and inspire others.
And apart from being an inspiration as a traveler she also offers some important environmental tips that are meant to bring progress in the world. I mean the good type of progress.
1. Spread good vibes by being nice to one another.
2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
3. Adopt a diet based more on vegetables.
4. Support alternative and free energy solutions.
5. Focus on personal growth and self-awareness.
Below you can check Liz in action. Enjoy!