Photo source: zemmrate.com

I admit I love Jamie Oliver. He has a relaxed attitude and he is passionate about cooking. Whenever I see him doing what he knows best it fascinates me terribly. Why? Because I see in front of me a person who is completely absorbed by what he does and who gives everything in order to produce a unique and tasty dish. And he does this without the slightest hint of effort.

But just because he is in the food industry it doesn’t mean that he encourages reckless eating and processed food. In fact he is a strong advocate of adopting a balanced diet that can diminish the risks of obesity and diet related diseases. He supports good eating, home-cooked meals and a good gastronomic education.

Further on you will see a TED speech that Jamie Oliver delivered in 2010. Here there are stories related to the anti-obesity project he developed in Huntington, West Virginia. These are all powerful facts that still affect the society in which we live. The statistics show that in the last couple of years people’s diets have changed dramatically and not in the good way. What you eat has plenty of circumstances over your body and can have a negative impact over your lifespan!

Photo source: healthyfoodhouse.com

One of the most shocking things for me was the part where Jamie asked children to name some of the vegetables he showed them. Their responses not only left me in horror but also made me very sad. These children didn’t want to eat something they have never seen or heard of.

Should kids learn more about the food they eat? Definitely yes!! Through education we can improve the world and we can prevent future mistakes from shortening the life of the next generations. His effort materializes through his foundation  and for this I think we should give him a big ‘thumbs up.’

P.S. Yes, now I feel guilty for eating those fries at lunch!

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