It’t been a long time since you last took a quiz, true? Well, maybe it’s time to take a quiz and test your traveler knowledge once again. The following quiz will help you discover if you are as good at your traveling mission or not. Check it out!
1. India, China, Malaysia, Pakistan
2. England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
3. Argentina, Japan, France, New Zealand
4. Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
5. Germany, Japan, China, Italy
6. Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland
7. Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic
8. Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, Thailand
9. Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Albania
10. Venezuela, Egypt, Russia, Australia
Answers: 1. Malaysia, 2. Scotland, 3. Argentina, 4. Jordan, 5. Germany, 6. Sweden, 7. Czech Republic, 8. Peru, 9. Ukraine, 10. Venezuela
How many did you get right?
I got 7 out of 10. This means I still got some traveling to do. So….. tootles, little ones!